Exchange Quay Building 5
Exchange Quay Building 5 /  Reception & Lift Lobbies Fit-Out / 

Exchange Quay Building 5

The existing reception space needed to be re-energised, with the purpose to enhance the occupier experience. This was about enlivening a centrally located office amenity into an effective and inviting social entrance point, with a focus on employees’ daily habits and wellbeing in a post-covid-19 world.

The bold arrival space with statement electric blue panelling and reflective surfaces mimics the architectural language of the exterior and creates a cohesive visual journey upon entry, referencing the building’s nautical history. Working with JS+P, we introduced a new brand identity through San Serif typography, internally illuminated signage, and glazed manifestations. The prominent FIVE centred on the internal portico acts as a beacon to the outside, cementing building 5 with its own personality at Exchange Quay.