Aztec have just completed an MBO as part of the plan to manage succession in Interiors which will allow me to step down to work part-time. After forty years in the building game, twenty five at the helm and the last twelve at Aztec this feels like the right time for me to change my role and enjoy the next stage in Aztec’s journey. My focus will centre around finance and our business systems whilst still being on hand to navigate the shape and direction of our businesses.
The new structure will have Tony Piper as MD hence forth, whilst myself, Dave Pennington. MIET and Colin Clayton will continue as Directors. I will remain as MD of Aztec Fire doors and Frames developing the company with John Doyle and the team and look forward to our continued growth.
I have had a career building companies with great teams of which I am immensely proud in a city that I love.
Signing off … but not signing out.